July 26, 2022
Wayne Walker, a life time member of Greater Pine Island, VFW Post 4353 in Saint James City, Florida who is the Manager of Richmond Fisher House at Hunter Holmes McGuire Hospital in Richmond Virginia saved a live of a veteran in cardiac arrest. Mr. Walker was traveling through the medical campus parking lot when he heard the pleas for help from the veteran’s spouse, upon arrival at the scene Wayne quickly assessed that the patient was unresponsive and immediately removed him from his vehicle and began CPR. He was assisted by other employees and the call was made to get an ambulance to the scene. It was determined that the patient needed assistance breathing, requiring an Ambu Bag, Mr. Walker sprinted the 100 yards to his office and retrieved a bag valve mask (BVM), once back to the scene with the use of the bag the patient was stabilized and handed over to the newly arrived EMT’s and ER personnel. Through Wayne’s selfless actions, prompt and effective CPR increased the odds of the survival and saved the distressed veteran.
Wayne Walker, a retired Army Command Sergeant Major with 25 years of service, numerous deployments, and a life member of VFW Post 4353, responded that he was confident in his training was grateful that his CPR certification and actions resulted in resuscitation of the patient. Mr. Walker returned to his normal duties as the manager of the Richmond Fisher House, he was later notified that the patient had been stabilized as a direct result of his timely intervention. Mr. Walker will be nominated for the Veterans of Foreign Wars Life Saving Award; his actions are in keeping with the high standards of the VFW and the Veterans Administration.
This incident is another example of how proper training and certification in CPR could result in positive, lifesaving outcomes. CPR certification and AED training are a vital part of being an effective partner and an asset to the community. Greater Pine Island VFW Post 4353 has held familiarization training on the AED and CPR fundamentals with the Matlacha/ Pine Island Fire Department. The VFW will continue to focus on insuring that all available options are pursued, resulting in the Post being a safer place and members getting the training as desired.