Debbie Hayward, Jackie Bryan and Preston Bailman delivering pizza for Useppa Island FD as the ferry office
Deb and Scott Huizenga, Mike Thatcher, Marty Eddy with firefighters Adam and Ryan
Shown in the picture l-r Deputies, Deputy Barb Berg and Deputy Ray Strobel, Sergeant David Dunn With VFW and Auxiliary members l-r Debbie Hayward, Tom Ferguson, Marty Eddy, Heather and Mike Thatcher. Picture taken at the Post home
In no order Chief Mickuleit, Captain Simer Engineer Greer, Firefighter Robertson, Firefighter Saunders, Mike and Heather Thatcher, Debbie Heyward,Barabra Dean, Judy Hopkins, Tom Ferguson, Marty Eddy, Deb and Scott Huizenga
Useppa Island Fire Department, firefighter Dan Manion and Jason Synder not shown
Fire fighters Neil Kerr Elk’s ER Judy Hopkins and FF Frank Vilachez